This section of seeks to help people – Christians or not deal with being bullied or dare I say – those that are doing the bullying – stop! Bullying is a serious form of abuse and can have lasting effects long into adulthood – with some folks never really recovering fully from it who have not asked God to help them forgive – one of the hardest things to do for any bully victim.

Bullying is now ever more present with cyber-bullying and sites like Twitter making personal attacks public far worse than ever. These social platforms are now more like giant playgrounds and many wise folks won’t even allow their kids to go on them – even a Facebook founders will not let his children online let alone on Facebook (taring at a monitor all day can shrink the brain).

I had it done to me and so did my mother so I am well aware how being bullied can affect people. I hope these pages help you if you have been bullied.