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We MUST Forgive!

Why is it so critical that we learn to give our fellow human beings when they hurt us and harm us? I have seen many people become bitter and twisted, and actually mentally disturbed because they haven’t realised that they have people in their lives they need to forgive. It has happened to me and I didn’t even know it was happening. Unforgiveness is such a subtle problem that’s often the person who has it – does not even know they have a problem.

It may first start with simple resentment towards someone – a company – a work colleague, a family members, and then progress to anger – even sometimes a righteous anger that is warranted. But ultimately it must be dealt with and the person must learn to forgive that person or persons – or even God himself if they have blamed him something (as if God doesn’t always have our interests at heart and we mistake the world’s problems for his doings).

The biggest loser with unforgivenss is the one who can’t forgive!

Th fact is, unforgiveness in inevitably leads to mental illness if left unchecked and if left to fester physical illness may result and even death in severe cases of anger and resentment build up which affecting hormone production and the knock-on effect to the immune system. Peoples whole lives can be ruined by this one simple thing and that’s why Jesus in the Bible so big on repenting of ALL sins – including being unforgiving towards others. Remember he forgave us so we MUST forgive others and the universal law of the cosmos set in motion by Him – like a strange paradox – results in the greatest harm to the person not able to forgive!