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Does It Matter How I Pronounce God or Jesus’ Name?

Do I have To Pronounce Jesus’ Name (or God’s) Perfectly?

Well I could say; “of course not!” but I won’t. I would suggest though that you consider this; If in fact we do have to pronounce His name in a specific way before it is recognised by him – then we are all doomed before we start.

Since no one on this planet will pronounce His name (or any other name or word even for that matter) the same way as any other person on this planet.

Do you refuse to talk to someone from a foreign country who addresses you with an accent, misses out some letters or even gets the name completely wrong? Of course not – your a gentleman or woman and God is the ultimate ‘gentleman’! I mean – can you imagine Jesus rebuking someone that got his name wrong? That would be preposterous – rebuke someone’s sin – yes – but not the way his name is spoken!

But Don’t Take My Word For It…

As usual – I could be wrong so I request that you go to the Bible itself and and The Holy Spirit (wait – did I say that wrong?) to teach you what and who is correct (because unlike all those other preachers and teachers I’m not gong to pretend that I don’t also see through a glass darkly like everyone else).