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Help with Sexually Transmitted Diseases, STI’s, STD’s

STD’s advice & help. Sexually transmitted disease & Infections Guide

For help on STD’s and sexually transmitted disease and infections >>

History of STI’s & STD Viruses

When people think of sex related diseases they tend to think of AIDS (immune deficiency syndrome) but there is in fact nothing new about people getting ill after having sex. Syphilis was a scourge of death, chronic illness and disfigurement, diseased babies and other problems.

The fist syphilis epidemic began in Europe in 1494 which some time later caused such havoc that the French army was disbanded. Many people would trace sex illnesses way back to biblical times and The bible does in fact hint to various illnesses related to sin in relation to sex outside marriage being one way to more likely become ill through sexual behaviour.

In the Second World War there was a poster of Hitler, Mussolini and a prostitute all arm in arm sporting the caption “VD is the worst of the three”!!! At the start of the war syphilis treatment was still relatively ineffective and new.

In 1658 it was recognised that the terrible plague was linked to sex. It remained a serious public health threat and major cause of death amongst the people until the amazing discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming some time around 1930. It’s first use was in combatting syphilis infection in 1942.

Unfortunately though – regardless of the wonders of penicillin we still have today the largest syphilis epidemic this world has ever seen. This is why it’s so important to take protective measure – lik not having sex at all before marriage. And if you cannot wait or find yourself in a no going back situation (very unlikely that any situation is beyond going back) then protect yourself and partner. However it would be best not to get into that situation in the first place!


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Christian advice on sexually transmitted disease health and infection help guide at christianadvice 2004