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Facebook Does Exactly The Opposite of What it Says on the Tin!

Want to get disconnected from the people that really matter in your life? – Join Facebook! Who really matters in life? Our family, our genuine fiends we can tell anything to, the poor man on the street that needs your friendship, the widow round the corner, your grand parents, the person at school, college or work or church that no one wants to befriend because they are not cool enough to be on Facebook. These are the people God thinks are important – not superficial friends on Facebook.

Facebook claims to make us ‘more connected’ and I will add; make us all more happy and content as a result. However – we all know, if we are honest, that Facebook does exactly the opposite. Because people don’t discuss their real issues, struggles and problems in life publicly (and why should they), Facebook gives us a never-ending stream of other people’s ‘perfect’ lives for us to compare ours with and get more and more dissatisfied with our own life than ever before – even though the reality of our lives ad our friends I guarantee is a lot different to the persona created and constructed on Facebook.

And this is borne out by ‘new’ research that affirms that people are more unhappy when they use Facebook. Well did we really need research to figure that out? I guess someone got paid lots of money to do it.

What Facebook – the site that started as a ‘hot or not’ site (where guys would vote on the ugliness or prettiness of girls at university campus) actually does, is to connect us with hundreds and hundreds, and if we are not careful, hundreds of so-called ‘friends’ – in reality people we really have no time to care about and who have no real time to care for us other than to ‘like’ our favourite song of soup! Facebook has taken the meaning a vacuous and sallow relationships to a whole new level.

It’s Time for Serious Christians to Get Off Facebook!

You thin that’s harsh? OK I’ll eat my words if the clever sociologists of tomorrow don’t in years to come blame the slew self-centered and self-obessesed networks and websites of today for the future state of mind and depression of future kids and adults, who will soon have no idea what to respect their parents no matter what – or what love really means. To them to love will be to ‘like’. To help your neighbour will be to ‘like’ their post or page or favorite colour.

Are We Really More ‘Connected’?

The dreadful and disastrous result of facebook is that families that once were connected are now fragmented, with both adults and children alike becoming obsessed with the hand-held screen, abandoning normal and healthy face to face relationships with their parents and close relatives. It has further impressed into the minds of the young that love is to ‘like’ something – when in reality love is sacrificial – to GIVE of yourself – your time, money, skills and in some cases your life – for which there is no greater demonstration of love. Facebook has helped to create a whole generation of selfish droids who cannot ay longer think for themselves, do not know the difference between right and wrong, think that the opposite of love is to hate (it is not – it is to be selfish) all parrot each other in embracing the evils of the day!

The Real Result of Being More ‘Connected’ is Disconection & Isolation

True we are more connected – but with the wrong people. Not family and close friends in the community, mothers, fathers, and the people they should be really and practically caring about. No we are connected to hundreds of people that if push came to shove, neither we nor they would lift a finger to actually help or serve us. These are shallow associations and ‘friendship’ is far too strong a word for the main part. Facebook has done it’s job, and further diconected the youth of today from those people that really matter, and put them in the hands of the media, and all those that wish to manipulate them for their own ends and profit.