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Why You – a Sinner – ARE STILL Qualified to Tell People About The Good News!

Am I perfect? Very far from it! Are you perfect – I’ll leave that for you to decide. What does this mean? This means that all sincere Christians know the truth that is that none of us are perfect and ALL are struggling to one degree or another to live good, moral and pure lives.

If only the pure can preach – no one would do it!

Let’s think for a minute – how about we get a group of Christian or for that matter – any people in a large hall and ask how many people in that room have secrets they would rather didn’t come out into the open! Another thing we might ask; are people who manage to keep their secret sins hidden somehow  better than those who’s sins have been exposed? You know – the way most reporters behave – as if they themselves would never dream of doing the things they love to expose in others. You get the point – if we wait till we are perfect none of us would do anything – a sort of paralysis! That said – get anything wrong in your life right with God as SOON as possible – do NOT wait to confess your sins to Him as your preaching will be more powerful and effective!

What this means for pastors is a little different


OK – I’ve said there should be nothing to stop you preaching to your fellow man – but the world is full of snares and traps – therefore leading a church requires special qualifications according to The Bible to avoid falling into sin and causing damage to the flock. There are clear biblical guidelines and very good and obvious reasons prescribed for people who are going to lead a flock – married to one wife, children and able to manage his own family well… this means that anyone is ordained to preach about the good news – in fact we are virtually commanded to do it!

Why I a Sinner Can Preach About Jesus

Because it is not about me – a sinner – it is about Jesus Christ – our perfect risen saviour!