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Why Prayer & Fasting?

It was always somewhat of a mystery to me as to why Jesus told us to pray and fast. But one only has to do it to understand instantly whyYou said this. The moment you become hungry, you become vulnerable, and your mind is concentrated unlike in any other circumstance.

The Bible says that riches of deceitful, and that comforts are the same. They give us a false sense of security and we feel we need nothing in this world if we have material comfort wealth and food.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth on the cross at Calvary – the model of self sacrifice.

The moment we become needy physically, we become needy spiritually and have a much deeper connection with God, and our personal spiritual needs, and the physical and spiritual needs of others when we are vulnerable in the flesh. We also become more thankful for what we have and take less for granted.

This I would argues the whole reason that God allows darkness and light to exist in our world. When there is darkness the light shines ever brighter. When we’re hungry, the problems in the world become more obvious and our prayers become deeper and more sincere.

If you don’t believe this, simply try to fast for more than two or three days and you will very soon see why Jesus told us To do so. It’s almost electric the feeling you get when you fast. All our senses are heightened.

Not only that – but fasting is a sacrificial thing to do as modelled by Jesus on the cross which God appreciates not for his benefit – but because it teaches us to rely on Him – the only reliable source! He knows it teaches us of our very mortality and keeps this in our minds firmly fixed on Him o that we do not become proud. When we fast we quickly realise that life is fleeting and fragile, and we exist only by the grace of God.