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Is God a Globalist?

So – is God a globalist? Surely he would be – busy breaking down barriers and walls, and making us all more connected, as Mark Zuckerburg so generously has helped us all to be (or connected to all the wrong people it would more so appear recently)? Hmm.. I’m not so sure. Perhaps we need to ask the question how all the borders around the countries in the world arose in the first place.

The first thing to note is that all borders appeared through wars and conquest of some kind – virtually all. To deny this is to deny fact. This is not a good thing, and does not make borders right in itself, but to deny this is to not understand the fact of how they materialised. Thereafter they are considered necessary to protect and keep in order what has been gained illegally or otherwise. So what about borders and walls when they occur in nature – are there any and why are they there?

Well I know that every single cell my body has wall around it. And why is that? It serves several purposes. One purpose of the wall in each cell in my body is to stop the contents of the cell pouring out and the cell dying out through starvation. Another reason is to stop foreign invaders with bad intentions coming in and destroying the cell from within. Hmm.. interesting I can hear some people saying. I never thought about it like that.

God knows that when men conspire together (as they have always done) they will try to become Gods, and in doing so forfeit any hope they have of salvation or coming to know Him. So He divided Babylon and confounded their languages for their sake – not His as a form of damage limitaion and protection of mankind. In a perfect world I grant you that borders would probably not be necessary (and they won’t be necessary in the coming digital prison being built to track us all where all real freedom will be removed) we would not need borders around our homes, our schools and courthouses. We would not need fences around around our gardens to avoid squabbles, or walls in our houses , because God would somehow miraculously protect us from intruders and the elements, and anything that could harm us.  But that’s not how life is. Everywhere there are intruders, natural circumstances seeking to harm us and borders play an important if not essential part in protecting us from these things.

So before we start taking our walls and borders down, or anything for that matter, we should ask why it was put there in the first place. And then if we still want to take it down – take it down. Don’t preach that all walls and borders are bad by default without remembering the cell wall god created in your body – which has a wall or protection around it for a very, very good reason, so we can live safely and securely without threat. And each cell can coexist from each other and be different from all the other cells and reliant on all other cells so that diversity is maximised in the body. But pull down all walls, and make everyone the same – and you’ve remove the very thing the ant-wall lobby think they are preserving – diversity. The Devil seeks to make us all the same – no diversity – no individualism – no means to look after our neighbours, and all state owned and controlled. The wall in my home are there for a reason.