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How Can an Artist Please God?

They say a disproportionate number of artists are ‘mad’ and suffer from depression and the rest. Well we’ve known that for years just by observing the pop culture – we don’t need another million dollar study to tell us why. It’s very simple. Sure artists are generally more left-brained and therefore emotionally more connected than our pure maths counterparts (did I get that the right way round?.. it doesn’t matter) – but not always. We are all a mixture and can be anywhere on the creative/academic scale, and that scale is not linear as we suppose but multi-dimensional – we are all a REAL mix of gifting and abilities. No one is just ‘an artist’ or ‘a poet’ or a ‘mathematician’ – we are people – who have different levels of abilities that express themselves in a million ways from music to maths and everything in between – they are all connected.

But the reason artists have so much mental anguish is because they sense deep inside the emptiness of what they are doing – unintentionally (as may have been in his case) or intentionally profiting from glorifying man and not God. It’s vacuous.

Glorifying man instead of God’s wonderful creation will always leave you empty

We all wonder why a 28 year old DJ takes his own life when he is at the top of his game. Here’s the reason (without wanting to be harsh); spinning spastic discs at a 1000 decibels to drunken revelling crowds is vacuous – it serves no purpose than than to stir up the carnal rebellious nature of man. Now before you say – hey wait a minute that’s judging! I’m not judging where this poor man’s soul went – I have no idea what conversations his spirit had with God’s holy spirit in his last days. He may well end up in heaven – and me in hell.

Artists; God can be found everywhere – a beautiful melody – a flower – a poem – painting, a good deed etc

What I am saying is, the key for an artist to be peaceful is to always look for ways to expound and amplify God’s amazing creation and spotlight His glory as many of the old great composers and artists did. Ask God the still small voice to guide you with melodies, painting and writing tone and style and you’ll be happy.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Artists have talents given to them by God.Some Christians too may have spiritual gifts to contribute meaningfully in helping
    the entire church.It is up to us to use it according to the will of God.God is the giver of anything worthy for mankind so he deserves all the Glory.

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