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Feminism – a Godly Pursuit?

I wonder what Jesus would’ve thought about feminism. I won’t tell you the joke about the man who got kicked out of the library for putting all the feminism books in the ‘Fiction’ section – it’s not a fiction at all – it’s alive and well. My feeling is he would have said pretty much nothing about it – like he did many other subjects which we now consider so all-important and earth-shattering. Jesus’ commands seem very simple as far as I can see – and simply having them in our hearts – let alone keeping them it would stamp out most of the worlds problems if we would only listen to these 10 simple easy to keep statutes. You know the ones we have got rid of in our schools, our churches, our homes and our law courts and everywhere else that’s important.

And then we wonder why people are rudderless, directionless and fighting against each other and don’t know up or down, only right and left and not right and wrong. It’s why men are paid more of the same work as women when they shouldn’t be. If we only read the ten commandments every day and had them our walls do you think employers would really push the inequalities we see? And I’m not talking about just filling quotas – that is total nonsense. Every business owner knows that you cannot run a company successfully, and have the people prosper in that company and the families in the company – by simply filling quotas.

When you actually need the best person to the job be it a man or woman – that’s irrelevant. Everyone knows that women are amazing and very often have greater intelligence than men – but sometimes a man is more suited to a task – and vice verse – or one person is more qualified than another and to deny this is to be in denial and you are systematically weakening your society and nation by doing so – the Devil’s favourite past-time according to the bible. The answer is to help others up to your level – not to push some down because they are over qualified. We all want to be more qualified.

But paying people different amounts of the same work never came about because men hated women, but because in older days men did one thing and women more often did another (homemaking) and that was the norm. But again if we read our Bibles and if they had read their Bible more wouldn’t need to take people to have all these arguments and debates on the issue – it’s crystal clear – husbands love your wives – wives love your husbands – justice in the family and society id the message. These inequalities came about because men were not thinking of others but themselves which is the result of not bathing in the word every day.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to predict that once you remove the 10 commandments from any country for society you soon see descend into chaos, and people lose track of what’s right and wrong, and people start to do wrong. Jermaine Greer – one of the worlds most foremost feminists has now admitted 45 years after the event that she was wrong, and countless others are also doing so.

Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else should be added unto you. Train your children out in the ways of the LordI will not depart from it. They will become fair, wise and just citizens. If we don’t do this – there is no option but for the government to step in and take over when we fail as Christians i society and that’s what we see all over the planet.