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Old People Matter!

It is my firm belief that the health of a nation or family can be clearly seen by it’s attitude towards it’s old people – and of course it’s attitude to children goes without saying. But it’s the old that really matter to me in this article.

These are the people that built the country that I live in (and many swan about it with no knowledge of how they gained their freedom to disown the old and frail) – the old who’s shoulders I stand on, and if I disregard them I am doing terrible disservice.

Christians especially must treat all people with the utmost respectAs they too are made in the image of the holy God, and the truth is there are no differences between them and us – the young folks – only the outer skin.

The inner soul – the mind – the person is identical and we must not forget this. If we do we will get a sharp shock when it comes to our time to get old and we are disowned and left to rot on the scrap-heap.

Young people I implore you to take care of the old folks around you – no matter how much they ruin your street-cred. There is no street-cred in heaven – only streets paved with gold that we will not partake of if we disregard God and His people and His ways of caring for ones neighbour – the sick, innocent and the old and lame.

Why should we be allowed to partake of it if we disregard the old. They are the crowning glory of God – His wisdom in flesh and we should all respect old folks everywhere.